
Geo Target Leads

Run location-based ad campaigns

We set your campaign goals and targeting tactics.

  • Target by location: Reach users based on their current location and/or user visitation patterns to particular places.
  • Target by audience: Reach users based on their visitation behaviors and custom audience groups.
  • Target by weather: Reach users based on the weather conditions in their current location.

*Note: Targeting tactics available vary depending on the device type selected. This campaign is designed to use mobile devices. We do not guarantee sales only delivery / views

Geo Target Lead subscription Life package Geo Target Lead subscription Life package

Geo Target Lead subscription Life package

Activate INS Media Group Target Marketing Solution on major media channel, in mobile advertising platform.This product is designed for Mobile Target Marketing. * Initial default Ad is included in..

$200.00 $600.00 Ex Tax: $200.00 67%

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